In All About Writing’s Memoir Webinar, Joanne Hichens and Jo-Anne Richards answered your questions on writing your memoir.
Here is the webinar replay:
Would you like further support from the Joanne’s on your memoir or other writing project?
Here’s how to write a memoir with flair and flavour

The Art of The Memoir Weekend
14 – 16 April
Gain the skills and guidance you need to write the memoir you have been planning under the baton of two acclaimed South African writers, Joanne Hichens (Death and the Afterparties) and Jo-Anne Richards (The Innocence of Roast Chicken). They will show you how to plan, structure and write your memoir. You will also be given time to relax and reflect in the beautiful Karoo landscape away from the stress of day to day life.
Spend an uninterrupted week working on your writing

The Art of Writing Retreat
16 – 21 April
We have a follow on retreat for those who would like to continue receiving support and guidance for their memoir from acclaimed writers Joanne Hichens and Jo-Anne Richards. The retreat is also open for all writers of fiction or non-fiction to join. Again, you will have the beautiful Karoo landscape and a supportive community to inspire you. Leave the stresses and demands of everyday life behind and give yourself that writing time you need.

Joanne Hichens , author and editor, lives in Cape Town. Her crime novels are Out to Score (co-written), Divine Justice, published in the United States, and Sweet Paradise. Her young adult novels, Stained and Riding the Wave, were both shortlisted for the Sanlam Literature Award.
Her memoir, Death and the After Parties published by Karavan Press , explores the passing of Joanne’s mother, husband, father and mother-in-law within a short period of time, and examines all that happens after death: emotional frenzy, funerals, family strife – the fighting and loving.
Jo-Anne Richards is an internationally published novelist with a PhD in Creative Writing from Wits University. Jo-Anne has published five novels: The Imagined Child, The Innocence of Roast Chicken, My Brother’s Book, Touching the Lighthouse and Sad at the Edges.
Her first novel, The Innocence of Roast Chicken was recently rereleased as part of the prestigious Picador Africa Classics collection. When it first appeared, in 1996, it was nominated for the Impac International Dublin Literary Award and chosen as an “outstanding debut novel” by a British book chain.