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All About Writing’s memoir writing webinar with Joanne Hichens

Here’s the joining link:

Date: 23 March 2023

Time: London 16:00 to 17:00

Johannesburg 18:00 to 19:00

We look forward to having you with us! 

Send your questions about any aspect of memoir writing in advance. Subject line: Questions for 23 March webinar

Joanne Hichens

, author and editor, lives in Cape Town. Her are Out to Score (co-written), Divine Justice, published in the United States, and Sweet Paradise. Her young adult novels, Stained and Riding the Wave, were both shortlisted for the Sanlam Literature Award. Her memoir, , explores the passing of Joanne’s mother, husband, father and mother-in-law within a short period of time, and examines all that happens after death: emotional frenzy, funerals, family strife – the fighting and loving.

“In Death and the After Parties I write about the passing of my mother, husband, father and mother-in-law, and examine everything that happened after their deaths – the emotional frenzy, the funerals, the family strife, the fighting, the loving. I describe first-hand the shock, the grief, the mourning, the betrayals, ultimately focusing on recovering from loss.”

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