How to grow your writing (and save your life)  


Expert advice, creative stimulation and writing practice every day for 30 days 

Alice wasn’t lazy. When she wasn’t working, though, it was just too tempting to avoid her writing altogether. After all, she didn’t feel inspired and she had no idea where to begin. 

This course was her saving grace. It fit easily into her busy life and it taught her to carve out the little time she could manage for her writing. As a result, she felt more confident and she could see her writing improve. 

“Actually, it did more than that,” she said. “Concentrating on my creative self helped me manage my stress. For that hour a day, I allowed my imagination out to play. No-one was looking over my shoulder. It was just for me. In many ways, it saved my life.”  

The Thirty-day Writing Bootcamp

  • This course gives you the practice you need to become a better writer 

  • It will help you build a daily writing discipline 

  • It provides daily advice from writers who understand what you need 

  • It will hone your craft and refresh your skills 

  • If you’re stuck, it will get you writing again, without pressure 

  • It will introduce creativity into a busy life 

  • It will allow you to explore your creative side 

Self-guided via email

£ 45

* A lesson a day via email every day for  30 days

* Daily writing advice from professional writers

* A daily writing practice exercise to be completed in your own time

* It’ll take you 30 to 60 minutes a day

* Workbook to keep to refer to after the course ends

Plus feedback on final exercise


* A lesson a day via email every day for  30 days 

* Daily writing advice from professional writers 

* A daily writing practice exercise to be completed in your own time 

* It’ll take you 30 to 60 minutes a day 

* Workbook to keep to refer to after the course ends 

* Personal written feedback on your final exercise 

 Course Outline

We’ve divided the course into four themes. Each theme will be explored over seven days. Each day’s advice is finished with an exercise, designed to be dashed off in 30 minutes. On the seventh day we challenge you with an exercise that touches on many, if not all, of the lessons of the week. 

The first theme is language itself. How well do you wield it, and what simple rules can you observe that will improve the power of your writing? 

The third theme is voice – the voices of your characters. We look at ways to bring your characters close to your readers. Develop their voice and personality in a way that allows your readers to empathise and identify with them.

The second is the raw material that writers draw on to create their narratives. We focus on active observation and expression.  We’ll suggest ways to translate observation into words that add a sense of reality and drama to your writing. 

And finally, we will explore how scenes can best be written, and best serve your narrative.

Firstly, I want to thank you for taking the time to give me such comprehensive and meticulous feedback on my final assignment. It was educational, motivational and made absolute sense. The discipline of the daily exercises for 30 days was a great incentive to just write and be creative.

Leanne Johnson

Thank you so much for the feedback – it really made my day 🙂 It was very kind and constructive, and I’ll definitely work in the critique for another draft. I thoroughly enjoyed the course – I think it’s been a great help with my writing

Jennifer van Dorsten

I have done several courses with All About Writing over the years and I am still astonished at the amount I learn every time. This course has been a lot of fun and Thank you Jo-Anne and Richard for the succinct way in which you deliver the content and the creative assignments.

Melanie du Plessis

Who are your course designers and facilitators? 

Internationally published novelist, Jo-Anne Richards, has published five books and has a PhD in Creative Writing. Her first novel, The Innocence of Roast Chicken, was originally published by Headline Review in the UK, and has recently been rereleased as one of the prestigious Picador Africa Classics collection. 

Scriptwriter Richard Beynon has had a long and accomplished career in the film and television industry. He has conceived, shaped and written scores of documentaries, has written over twelve hundred scripts, and has led numerous storytelling teams in devising story for soaps and drama series. 

In 2007, Richard and Jo-Anne established All About Writing and have since then advised hundreds of writers on their work. They’ve helped brainstorm stories for both novice and established writers.

And they’ve helped reshape and restructure stories at all stages of development.

They’ve mentored scores of writers through the writing process – and have won the trust of publishers who frequently call on them for help with both manuscripts and writers.

The Thirty-day Writing Bootcamp

£ 45 - 60

30 daily lessons 

30 daily writing prompts 

Designed by experienced writers with your needs in mind 

To brush up your skills 

To explore your creativity 

And to develop a solid writing discipline 

Money back guarantee

We’ve seen our students get results time and time again so we’re proud to stand behind our courses. But your satisfaction is important to us, which is why we offer a 7-day refund period for our 30-Day Writing Bootcamp. To be eligible for a refund, you must complete the first seven lessons of the course, and submit your exercises to us with your refund request.

Frequently Asked Questions

Won’t this course simply create more pressure in my life?

The daily advice is succinct and easy to absorb and the exercise is designed to be dashed off in 30 minutes. No-one is looking over your shoulder and focusing on your creative life has been shown to reduce stress. So, no, we hope it will have the opposite effect. 

How can it work without daily feedback?

The notes we provide are clear and concise and will give you all the guidance you need. The course gives you a daily writing practice while simultaneously honing and consolidating your skills. 

Can I get feedback if I choose?

Yes, you can upgrade to receive feedback on your final exercise, which draws on everything you’ve learnt in the previous 30 days. 

Will this course actually improve my writing?

We have absolutely no doubt that if you read the notes and apply the tips, strategies and advice we give you, your writing will improve markedly. 

This self-guided course will give you creative stimulation and writing practice without pressure.  

It can’t help but improve your writing and establish a writing discipline.  

You’ll receive considered writing advice every day for 30 days, and you have the option to receive feedback on your final exercise.  

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