
Picking up a stale project after a gap of weeks or months or even years can be really difficult. You might have lost that initial impetus, but you’re still convinced there’s a story there. You might indeed (o joy!) be rather impressed by a passage, or a turn of phrase, or even with the whole underlying idea.

But the fizz has gone out of it.

So what do you do?

Here is a worksheet designed to help you get some fizz into that stale project of yours.


Here’s a good place to start your creative journey. How do writers develop stories, from that first germ of an idea to the fully-fledged narrative with an intriguing beginning, a solid middle and a climactic resolution?

We’ll focus on the skills and the choices involved in character and world-building, the development of tension between the protagonist and antagonist, and the overall structure of the story. We end with a flourish on the resolution: what can you do to make the climax of your story as satisfying as possible?

writers-block-free download

Welcome to our short guide on this painful malady, which troubles so many

“Writer’s block” describes a multitude of sins. It might stem from procrastination,or signal a serious problem with your story.

In this guide, we’re going to analyse it in terms of various kinds of blockage and suggest different kinds of solutions for each.

We hope these suggestions will be helpful in overcoming your writer’s block


Whether you’re writing a novel, a piece of creative non-fiction or a screenplay, here are ten pointers to help light your way. You’ll find it useful no matter what stage of the writing journey you’re on.


Our Bare Bones Guide to Screenplay Writing is a short introductory guide to writing a screenplay. It’s a useful six page tool for beginner writers as well as a refresher for writers with more experience.

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