This module is free. Don’t even think about it. Jump right in and start today.
It’s the first module of our Guide to Writing Romance but it’s about writing anything – well, perhaps not manuals on automobile maintenance – but anything in the fiction line.
We will teach you how to find your own voice and write with fluency and conviction. Perhaps, most important of all, we will confirm your power to make the hearts of your readers beat that little bit faster.
Romance isn’t just about heroines and heroes. It’s about using the power of your unique voice to make your reader believe in the world you create for them.
The free module consists of seven short sections. We’ve designed it so that you’ll have fun trying a number of writing drills, while equipping yourself with skills.
The exercises will free your inner writer, develop confidence, banish self-conscious writing and grow your own writer’s voice.
Cost: Free
Click here for your free Guide to Writing Romance module.