Here’s the replay of our fun creative writing webinar designed to kick-start your most successful writing year. Your Best Writing Year: Key Insights from the Webinar Here’s what we [...]
We had a fun creative writing webinar which we ran from our ​Venice Writing Retreat.​ Jo-Anne, Richard and Fred answered questions on aspects of writing, publishing, and the creative process. [...]
In the final paragraph of his Origin of Species, Charles Darwin talks about the grandeur of nature in its many forms. He remarks on the fact that the complexity of […]
One of the most interesting of all writerly processes is how a story slowly – or sometimes quickly – takes shape. Here’s an evolution of a story. Trish and I […]
What’s your Monday Writing Motivation? And how does it fit in with paleontologists? Palaeontologists have discovered, in the scrolls of rock that constitute a unique repository of ancient [...]
Monday writing motivation. Here’s a thought: what are characters up to when they’re not active in your story? Remember, they’re not human beings. A human being is busy with all […]
I’ve often celebrated the many gifts writing bestows on the writer: the sharpened eye, the joy that springs from creating something from nothing, the pleasures of devising the felicitous phrase, [...]
Introducing an episode of a series of short radio programmes recently, the presenter* said: “I’d like you to imagine strapping on a big eye mask. It completely covers your eyes. […]
Yes, of course literary conflict provides the driving impetus of all narrative. But from time to time every writer earns the right to indulge their desire simply to celebrate beauty […]
War talk is much in the air these days. We talk of “the war” in the way that our parents and grandparents must have referred, in their day, to “the […]
St Neots, a small town straddling the River Great Ouse a few locks down from Bedford, holds a market every Thursday in the town square. It was the site, in […]