July Newsletter
Every writer is on a Hero’s Journey, the length of which is determined by the scope of their writing project. And like the Heroes of their stories, they face obstacles, trials and tests en route [...]
Ignite your writing passion on our retreats
Who needs a writing retreat? Well … who doesn’t? You might need a creative boost, to break a writing block or to advance a writing project close to your heart? Or perhaps you crave time to [...]
How can we help you achieve your dreams this year?
Our new blog series, The Hidden Secrets of Writing, will, we hope, inspire you. In this series, we showcase the books – there are over 50 of them – which have been published by past participants [...]
November Newsletter: Raising a glass to our community
Fifteen years ago, I idly said to my friend, Richard (probably over a glass of wine), “You know what, we should start doing something together – something that uses both […]
August Newsletter: There’s still time to get unstuck
Is it only me? Like Douglas Adams’ deadlines, this year seems to have left no impression but a faint whooshing sound as it flew by over my head. Some of […]
Monday muse-letter
Newsletter – or muse-letter? A little bit of both this month because what it really is, is me trying to reassume my old position on the saddle, pick up the […]
June Newsletter: the secret to a great story | writing journeys | flash fiction challenge
Hello writers Jo-Anne has been having a wild time on our Writing Safari in Zimbabwe, Richard has been recovering from a difficult but amusing time in hospital with cellulitis, so […]