Our fresh-out-of-the-box Guide to Creative Screenwriting is a ten-week on-line course that runs you through the essential skills required by anyone who wishes to write for either film or television. Join Michéle Rowe and Richard Beynon, two immensely experienced screenwriters and course facilitators, and learn the nuts and bolts of television and film writing that’ll give you the basic toolkit you need to start writing scripts for local shows.

Start today!

COST R 6 000

Also payable in three tranches of R 2 000. Please email us if you’d like to take advantage of this option.

Our fresh-out-of-the-box Guide to Creative Screenwriting is a ten-week on-line course that runs you through the essential skills required by anyone who wishes to write for either film or television. Join Michéle Rowe and Richard Beynon, two immensely experienced screenwriters and course facilitators, and learn the nuts and bolts of television and film writing that’ll give you the basic toolkit you need to start writing scripts for local shows.

Start today!

COST R 6 000

Also payable in three tranches of R 2 000. Please email us if you’d like to take advantage of this option.

Our fresh-out-of-the-box Guide to Creative Screenwriting is a ten-week on-line course that runs you through the essential skills required by anyone who wishes to write for either film or television. Join Michéle Rowe and Richard Beynon, two immensely experienced screenwriters and course facilitators, and learn the nuts and bolts of television and film writing that’ll give you the basic toolkit you need to start writing scripts for local shows.

Start today!

COST R 6 000

Also payable in three tranches of R 2 000. Please email us if you’d like to take advantage of this option.

Our fresh-out-of-the-box Guide to Creative Screenwriting is a ten-week on-line course that runs you through the essential skills required by anyone who wishes to write for either film or television. Join Michéle Rowe and Richard Beynon, two immensely experienced screenwriters and course facilitators, and learn the nuts and bolts of television and film writing that’ll give you the basic toolkit you need to start writing scripts for local shows.

Start today!

COST R 6 000

Also payable in three tranches of R 2 000. Please email us if you’d like to take advantage of this option.

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