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All About Writing’s

creative writing webinar

Thanks for registering for our webinar which we’ll be running live from our Venice Writing Retreat.

Date: Monday 7 October 2024

Time: 17:00 London / 18:00 Venice/Johannesburg

Zoom link:

The webinar will kick off with a brief discussion about writing in the inspiring city of Venice. Then Jo-Anne, Richard and Fred will answer questions you post in the chat as well as some questions from our live Venice audience.

We encourage you to prepare a short and punchy question about any aspect of creative writing, and post it in the Zoom chat when we open the meeting up.

Venice writing webinar

Our aim is to help you refine your skills and move forward on your writing journey, whatever stage you’re at. Whether you’re struggling with writer’s block, perfecting your dialogue, or navigating your story, we’re here to help.

Bring your curiosity and your questions. Together, we’ll explore the craft of writing and help you take steps towards becoming the writer you aspire to be.

A recording of the webinar will be shared with all registered participants.

We hope to inspire and motivate you from our annual writing retreat in Venice.

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