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 In Travel writing

Travel writing’s an art – but one that can be learned.

Fred de Vries, author of eight non-fiction books on travel and music (among other things) is available to mentor you as you write memorable travel pieces during our annual Venice Writing Retreat. More info here…

About Fred:

Fred  de Vries  is a Dutch writer/journalist, who moved to South Africa in 2003 to do research for a biography of Johannesburg Beat poet Sinclair Beiles. His books include Respect! (with Toine Heijmans), about hip-hop in Europe, Club Risiko, a look at 80s underground  music in six cities, Afrikaners, volk op drift about the post-1994 fate of the Afrikaners which was translated into Afrikaans as Rigtingbedonnerd and  Gehavende Stad with Erik Brus, an overview of 50 years of literature and music in Rotterdam.

He wrote about his travels for The Sunday Times and Sunday Independent, and taught travel writing as a guest lecturer at Wits. He had an interview column for The Weekender, which were collected in The Fred de Vries Interviews; From Abdullah to Zille. Afrikaners, volk op drift was nominated for Best Journalism Book and Best Travel Book in 2013.

De Vries was nominated for Correspondent of the Year in 2014 and 2015. His seventh book, Wiegelied voor de witte man: ras en muziek in het Amerikaanse Diepe Zuiden en Zuid-Afrika was published in October 2017.


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