Writing craft webinar

 In All About Writing

The questions we received for our writing craft webinar were on a wide range of topics from the difficulties of fitting writing into a busy life, to motivation, finding discipline and overcoming writer’s block.

But what struck us particularly was the number of you who asked questions that require practical answers – on aspects of craft. You asked about getting started, character and story development, about planning and structure, about dialogue, scenes, showing not telling.

This underlines for us what we have always said: craft lies at the heart of your development as writers. Learn the skills and you will instantly become better writers.

Here is the webinar replay:

And don’t forget our exclusive offer designed to give you what you need to succeed as a writer – the tools to hone your craft, insightful personal feedback, a supportive community and practice.

As we pointed earlier almost all of your questions are answered in great detail, with examples, exercises and assignments, in our ​Creative Writing Course​.

Learn or hone your craft through the ten modules of the comprehensive course:

The Creative Writing Course takes you through the entire process of creative writing, from developing your own distinctive writing style, or voice, to generating ideas, to shaping story, writing scenes and dialogue, to creating suspense, to writing a compelling beginning and keeping readers on the edge of their seats through that long and often tricky Act 2, to showing and not telling.

Insightful personal feedback

Each of the ten modules ends with an assignment to which we’ll give detailed and sympathetic feedback.

The Creative Writing Course is ideal for aspiring writers eager to start on their journey, and established writers looking to refresh and hone their skills.

Supportive community

In addition to the modules, you’ll also have the chance to join our monthly Writers’ Circle for the duration, during which we discuss writerly issues, read bits of our work to the other participants, and get advice and support from us all.

Practice, practice, practice

And there’s a bonus we’re offering you today – our ​Thirty-Day Writing Bootcamp​. Once you’ve completed the Creative Writing Course, each day for a full month we will send you notes and a writing prompt. The bootcamp will help bed down the new skills that the Creative Writing Course has helped you develop. The final assignment is designed to pull together many of the skills we deal with – and Jo-Anne and I will give you feedback on that.

Now that 30-Day Writing Bootcamp can be yours for absolutely nothing – for those of your who ​register for the Creative Writing Course by the end of July 2024. ​

We believe this is unparalleled value. It’s our best value most comprehensive package ever!

Have a look at the figures:

South African Rand GBP
Creative Writing Course R3475 £199
Thirty-day Bootcamp R1160 £70
3 x Writer’s Circle sessions R365 x 3 = R1095 £20 x 3 = £60
TOTAL R5730 £329
SAVINGS R2255 £130
YOU PAY R3475 £199

Once you’ve completed both of the courses you’ll have learned all the skills you need to tackle your writing project and you will have honed your writing craft. And we think you’ll have had a lot of fun too.

Happy writing

Jo-Anne and Richard

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