Only one place left on our Hero’s Journey® Course

 In All About Writing, How to write a book, Newsletters

No matter what your creative project, All About Writing’s innovative Hero’s Journey® Course will provide an invaluable guide – not to mention for the way you live your life.

The course starts tomorrow, Thursday 27 January when we release the module one notes. It will run for eight weeks with live Zoom sessions every Wednesday from 16:00 to 19:30 UK time / 18:00 to 20:30 South African time.

This course has the singular distinction of being approved and licensed by the international Joseph Campbell Foundation, which aims to “preserve, protect, and perpetuate the work of Joseph Campbell”, the renowned student of mythic story-telling.

It uses Campbell’s Hero’s Journey® concept to help you focus on the Hero at the heart of your story, whether you’re embarking on a work of fiction, memoir, biography or writing for the screen.

Renowned for having guided George Lucas in writing his Star Wars movies, the Hero’s Journey® template will provide the direction you need in creating and structuring a story – from either real-life or imagined events.

“I felt like understanding the Campbell’s Hero’s Journey gave me the structure I’ve been looking for to have a structured first draft to jump off,” Penny Castle said. “In particular it allowed me to consider what set-up I needed upfront to sustain tension and interest in the rest of the story…”

Jan Glazewski, wanted to tell the story of his own heroic quest to recover the family silver, buried 80 years before in a remote corner of what was then Poland as his family prepared to flee the invading Russian army. The course helped him, he said, “unravel a set of jumbled thoughts and systemise them into a cohesive and gripping real life story”.

The Hero’s Journey® Writing Course is run by two writing veterans, our very own Richard Beynon, and our close associate Michele Rowe, seasoned film and television writer, and the winner of The Crime Writers Association’s Debut Dagger for What Hidden Lies, the first novel in a crime trilogy.

The cost is £475 / ZAR8500.

Start today on a Journey that’ll transform your writing!


* Hero’s Journey® and any copyrighted material authored by Joseph Campbell are used under license from the Joseph Campbell Foundation (

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