Your book called – it’s waiting for you in our creative writing course

 In All About Writing, How to write a book, Newsletters


Your book called. It asked us to tell you it misses you. Misses how you used to daydream about it, how you used to work on it. Remember when you promised you’d finish it and submit it to a publisher? Remember how excited you both were? Your book is lonely without you.

Your book asked us to tell you that it’s waiting for you in our real-time Creative Writing Course. It wants to be there with you while you learn about point of view, brainstorming, how in the world to write endings and – even harder – middles that don’t sag. And more.

Your book wants to be there with you while you engage with other writers in our twice weekly meetings and get one-on-one support and feedback from highly experienced facilitators. On top of all that, your book knows that you’ll leave the course a better writer, confident in yourself, creatively rejuvenated, and connected to other writers quite possibly from all over the world.

Our real-time Creative Writing Course begins on 5 May

This course is truly exclusive. We only take up to eight participants, which means you’ll be able to discuss, question, and receive loads of personal attention. Classes run every Monday and Thursday evening for five weeks. 

The course will equip you with the skills and confidence to tackle the book you dream of. We know this because we’ve packed it with all the knowledge and tools we wish we’d had 20 years ago. We’ve drawn it from our own hard experience and the best writing advice the world has to offer.   

Run by acclaimed writers, Richard Beynon and Dr Jo-Anne Richards, it will take you through the skills you need in an engaging way: developing your own voice, harnessing ideas, building characters and story, writing in scenes, using point of view and perspective, dialogue structuring your story, building suspense and using detail to show rather than tell. 

You’ll be provided with a full set of notes to keep forever. 

Over the years, we’ve received a great many endorsements, but we’d rather let our results speak for themselves. In the fourteen years we’ve been running this course, over forty books have been published by our community members.  

Matthew Wilhelm-Solomon, whose work of non-fiction was recently accepted for publication by Pan Macmillan, said: ‘I did the All About Writing creative writing course, which was invaluable in refining my narrative techniques …  I highly recommend the courses and assessments from All About Writing.’ 

We’d love you to jump start your writing journey with us! Enrol now via our South African shop or our UK shop​.


PS If you’ve already done our Creative Writing Course, you might consider our Hero’s Journey Course starting in June. It will give you greater insights into story structure and character than you’ve ever enjoyed before.

Here’s what a couple of participants on previous courses said:

“I felt like understanding the hero’s journey gave me the structure I’ve been looking for in order to have a structured first draft to jump off. In particular it allowed me to consider what “set-up” I needed upfront to sustain tension and interest in the rest of the story.” Penny, Johannesburg

“Richard and Michele gave input with kindness, knowledge and expertise and I really enjoyed the sessions with them. And their comments on our written work were ” on point”. They worked with the raw material very well.” Maryanne, Cape Town


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  • Liz Swersky

    How much is this course?
    Do you still have space on this course?

    • All About Writing

      Hi Liz

      We do still have space and we’d love you to join us. The cost is R8500, and you are welcome to pay in two or three tranches.

      You can find full information here: Please come back to me if you have any questions. Warm regards Trish

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