How to write more elegantly and economically
As writers, we often grapple with the balance between rich, detailed descriptions and concise, impactful prose. This week, both in this blog and my subscriber only Monday Writing Motivation mailer, I explore how to paint vivid pictures with fewer brushstrokes.
Three tips to help you write more elegantly and economically
- Choose impactful details: Instead of describing everything, select one or two key details that best capture the essence of a scene or character.
- Use sensory language efficiently: Incorporate multiple senses into a single phrase or sentence to create a more immersive experience without excessive wordiness.
- Employ metaphors and similes judiciously: A well-chosen comparison can convey complex ideas or atmospheres more effectively than a paragraph of description.
A writing exercise for you: The power of one sentence
- Think of a setting for a scene in your current work-in-progress (or imagine a new one).
- Write a detailed paragraph describing this setting, including as many sensory details as possible.
- Now, challenge yourself to distil the essence of this setting into a single, powerful sentence.
- Compare the two versions. Which one feels more impactful? Which one better serves the purpose of your scene?
“I always think in fiction you don’t have to do everything, you just have to do something.” – George Saunders
Want to dive deeper into writing more elegantly and economically? Sign up for our Monday Writing Motivation email for exclusive content, in-depth analysis, and actionable writing tips that will help you take your prose to the next level.
Happy writing,