Short Story Workshop
Our focus as we wrap up 2024 is the art of the short story and in particular the new call for submissions from Short.Sharp.Stories.
Here are the replays of our short story workshops. The immersive workshops are designed to help writers develop and write their story for submission to the Short.Sharp.Stories POWER anthology. All short story writers will benefit from this approach, though. Work your way through the replays and develop your own short story.
It will definitely be worth your while. Here’s what one of the participants had to say after the workshop on Saturday:
Thank you so much for such a brilliant workshop. I found myself quite surprised with what I wrote. I normally really struggle to figure out plot in my stories, but approaching it through character and conflict as you taught us led to a breakthrough and now I think I have the makings of a short story I can be proud of. Thank you so much. I learned a huge amount and finished the workshop feeling inspired and energised.
Short Story Workshop 1 – 23 November
Short Story Workshop 2 – 30 November
How else can you prepare to submit your story to POWER?
Find out more about what it takes to write a publishable short story from the authors and editors of ONE LIFE, the most recent Short.Sharp.Stories anthology
Please join us at two online launches to hear about their stories and writing process. Our celebration will be sure to inspire you to write your short story for submission to the next Short.Sharp.Stories collection, POWER. Join us on either 5 and/or 12 December.  ​Celebrate the art and power of the short story with us.​Â
Read some Short.Sharp.Stories
To learn more about Short.Sharp.Stories why not order a copy of the most recent anthology, ONE LIFE, to read the kind of diverse stories they like to publish. It’s on pre-order now at a discounted price of R270 (RRP R320) and you’ll also receive a mystery book surprise. Contact Joanne ​via email ​.
Hone your creative writing skills
- Download your FREE copy of Rocket Fuel for Your Writing: Inspiration and Motivation for Writers. It contains a series of my essays arranged by theme including voice, observation, ideas, character, structure, scenes, dialogue, showing not telling and writer’s block. Each section ends with additional notes and writing exercises or prompts. ​Hone your skills now and download some Rocket Fuel now.​
- Save $50 (just over 50%) when you sign up for All About Writing’s ​Thirty-day Writing Bootcamp, a crash course on creative writing. ​Get daily email tuition from pro writers who understand just what you need to hone your craft and fuel your creativity. The stimulating writing exercises provide a fresh and practical look at hands-on writing skills. We’ll cover how to wield language to improve the power of your writing, using active observation and expression to add a sense of reality and drama to your writing, voice – ways to develop your chracters’ voice and personality, and how to write scenes that serve your narrative. Plus bonus feedback on the final exercise!
You can watch our  short story webinar with Joanne Hichens.
She shared some great advice for writing short stories and discussed the Short.Sharp.Stories call for submissions for POWER. Click here.
Find out more about POWER here:
Download the flyer for full information about POWER here
Download the mandatory entry form for POWER here
Follow Short.Sharp.Stories on Facebook here
Happy writing!