The Screenwriting Crash Course is a ten-module online programme that runs you through the essential skills required to write for film or television. Join Michéle Rowe and Richard Beynon, two immensely experienced screenwriters and course facilitators, for an exhilarating introduction to the craft. In just five weeks you’ll master the basic array of skills that could start you on a creative – and profitable – screen or tv writing path.
Start date: 18 January
COST R 6300
Our Mentoring Programme provides one-on-one coaching on any film or television project, whether developing an idea or writing the script. The programme is tailored to each writer’s needs and provides encouragement, support, feedback and advice. You’ll receive substantial written notes on each submission and we’ll schedule a follow up Skype call where you can discuss the notes and talk about your next steps.
By Arrangement
Pay by the hour
Welcome to our online mini-workshop which will give you all the pointers you’ll need to build a memorable character.
Start when it suits you
COST R 250
A clear well-structured outline is the key to any successful screenplay. In this professional level course, Kickstart your Screenplay, we walk you through the skills, techniques and strategies involved in turning an idea into a workable treatment. Working off a solid theoretical base, the course gives you clear and extensive feedback and face-to-face or Skype interactions with Michéle Rowe and Richard Beynon.
By Arrangement
COST R 10 000
These six mini-modules will give the foundation you need to write credible dialogue.