I’m not sure that anything I’ve ever resolved to do at the start of the year has come to fruition. Something about the demands made by new year’s resolutions, the […]
You’re invited to join us for a webinar on the A to Z of Memoir with author, editor and publisher, Joanne Hichens. Joanne will start the webinar by chatting about […]
Here’s a three-finger exercise for you: what are the sinewy fibres that link conflict, character and climax? The question arose as I pondered my strategies for our latest foray into […]
Jane Evans, former CEO of Ntataise Network Support Programme, which provides extensive early childhood development across South Africa, has been part of our community for many years. A [...]
Richard recently collaborated with business guru and author Patrick Mork on his memoir/ self-help book, Step Back and Leap: 9 Keys to Unlock Your Life and Make Sh*t Happen. In […]
Jane Evans is the former CEO of Ntataise Network Support Programme, which provides extensive early childhood development across South Africa. She has been part of our community for many years, [...]
Here’s part three of our takeaways and tips from the Kingsmead Book Fair. The theme this year was courage, and the writers who took part in the panel discussions certainly […]
Here’s part two of our takeaways and tips from the Kingsmead Book Fair. The theme this year was courage, and the writers who took part in the panel discussions certainly […]
On Saturday the 27th of May, I joined the crowd of writers, aspiring writers and literature enthusiasts who had gathered for the eleventh annual Kingsmead Book Fair. The theme of […]
Tessa Niles is the kind of person whom countless people must have urged to ‘write that memoir‘. As one of Britain’s most respected session singers, she spent 30 years working […]
An impressive congregation of writers gathered for Books on the Bay’s inaugural literary festival in the naval village of Simons Town, South Africa – a feast for readers and a trove […]