Why is the point of view you choose to write in so critical to the effects you wish to create in your narrative? The writer’s job, as I’ve said before, […]
We don’t need to follow your characters into the bathroom to brush their teeth, unless something significant happens there. Likewise, we don’t need to know every step they take to […]
I’m going to get to my subject today in a roundabout way, if you don’t mind. Sometimes the route you take to your destination is as interesting as the destination. […]
Have you ever wished for a gentle guide who prods you to write each day? Someone who coaches you on best practice? Who is on your side? That’s what we’re […]
Memoir writers often start out with less trepidation than their fiction-scribbling peers. They already know the story, right? They’re familiar with the characters, and they can picture the scenes [...]
I continue to think of parallels between life and the imaginary worlds of all our fictions. There have to be these equivalences, because otherwise fiction wouldn’t resonate with us; we […]
Writing is a solitary process, which means it can leave you feeling lost and not a little lonely. In last month’s newsletter, we set out to help you to help […]
I read a manuscript recently in which the protagonist gazed out at the sun-filled park. Okay, fair enough, perhaps it gives us some sense of his world … but not […]
Congratulations to everyone who entered our February/March writing challenge . It wasn’t an easy one, because it relied so heavily on subtext – and all of you engaged with it […]
All About Writing’s latest writing challenge offers the winner a place on our creative writing Coaching Programme: Focus on scenes. It’s a fourteen step programme with your own personal [...]
The skills and insights of creative writing have more applications in the “real” world than we sometimes realise. Politics, for instance, consists largely of opposing narratives. Different [...]