You’ve got the talent, now learn to use it

 In Creative Writing Courses

I wish I had a coin for every time we’ve been asked: “But can you teach creative writing?”

Here’s the way we usually answer it.

If you’re writing now or trying to begin, you’ll know that writing is hard. But you know that you can do it. There is a way in, even if you’re frozen over the first word. And if you’re stuck, there’s usually a reason.

Join us online from 4 June for our vibrant Creative Writing Course, which will take you through the process of writing a book – fiction or non-fiction, from conception through to a satisfying conclusion. And the best part is, we’re offering 20% off the normal price to help you through the mid-year doldrums.

Sure, writing takes talent. But it’s also a craft. Learn the practical skills and your creativity will shine through. We can’t teach everyone to win the Man Booker, but we can make every writer better – often, much better.

  • We will help you build complex and compelling characters, who will engage with the reader, while sharing with you the elements of story – and how it works.
  • We’ll look at the eternal problem of where to begin: giving you examples to show what can work for you.
  • We’ll help you write dialogue that leaps off the page and scenes that draw the reader in and immerse her in the moment. We’ll help you understand the complexities of point of view, and how it can change the story you’re writing.
  • We’ll explain the different forms that literary conflict can take, and how to keep your reader turning the page.
  • And finally, we’ll go into great detail about how to write vividly, using detail well and showing as much as possible.

The course is interactive and fun. Packed with links and video clips, it’s easy to follow. We give personal feedback on every module and we’ll meet you live online to discuss your issues and answer your questions.

But never mind me. Here’s what just a few of our past participants have to say about the Creative Writing Course:

“This course has changed lives,” says Ingrid van den Berg, who is now halfway through her memoir. “All About Writing has (almost … they can’t write the whole book for you) all the answers in their wonderful, warm, nurturing and ‘growing’ writing course.”

Clive Goodchild-Brown, just completing the first draft of his debut novel, says that discovering the Creative Writing Course has been “one of the most satisfying landmarks in my life and certainly in my writing journey… [They] offer, I believe, an unequalled forum for prospective writers of all skill levels. I am hooked.”

“All About Writing really did help me. A great deal,” says Redi Tlhabi, award-winning author of two non-fiction works. “I’m very proud of my association with them.”

And just for good measure, here’s a word from publisher Thabiso Mahape. “Having sent some of my best-selling authors to All About Writing, and having been a student myself, I would recommend the course to anyone, from an aspiring writer to an already established writer looking to refresh and hone their skills.”

  • If you live in Cape Town, this course is also offered face to face in Newlands from 4 June. Join us on Monday nights for a light supper and a glass of wine (if you’re so inclined) – and share with us the joy of writing.



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