Learn the secrets to great stories at our Stow Story Weekend
Stories drive us. They’re what help us make meaning – and so, sense of our world. They help us make decisions about our own existence.
Stories of one sort or another power the world. They’re the spine of the fantasies politicians spin. History is the stories we make up to decipher the past.
And, of course, story is what writing’s all about. It’s where inspiration begins. A good story-teller can make us believe in anything. They can make us care about real-world issues, or about people that exist only in their imaginations.
What is the secret to great stories?
Our Stow Story Weekend (from 21 to 23 September 2018) will show you how to:
o Set a story in motion
o Create characters that keep the story moving along
o Maintain the highest stakes
o Structure your story to have the greatest impact
o Come to a dramatic climax and a satisfying resolution
The weekend, in the delightful Cotswold town of Stow-on-the-Wold, will be built around discussion, brainstorming, writing and, of course, a fair number of stories.
The course will be of benefit to anyone who wishes to write – fiction, non-fiction, film, book or television.
It will be facilitated by award-winning screenwriter and storyteller, Richard Beynon.
There’s no doubt you’ll learn a great deal about writing – but, just as important, the weekend promises to be as entertaining as it is useful.
Sign up to join us! We’ve only got 8 places available, so book soon to avoid disappointment.
Featured courses:
Venice Writing Retreat: 5 – 12 September
Character Course: Start today, or anytime
Online Creative Writing Course: Start today, or anytime
Power of Writing: Introductory creative writing course. Start today, or anytime
Click here for a full list of our 2018 courses