Ready to write that book or screenplay? We can walk beside you.

 In All About Writing, How to write a book, Invitations, Mentoring

Mentoring applications open now – limited places available

You promised you’d start that book or screenplay this year – but you’re stuck, or have no idea where to start. Or you’ve begun but need guidance.

We’re taking applications for our unique Mentoring Programme – open to anyone who has completed our Creative Writing Course or Screenwriting Crash Course, or any other substantial creative writing course.

Join a warm and supportive writing group, with mentors who care. We truly do want to help you produce the very best work you can.

Our mentors will provide whatever you need. We’ll help you brainstorm and develop your story, provide constructive on-going feedback and advice, and hold your hand through the process.

Writing need not be lonely. We’re here to give you the help we wish someone had given us. We’re here because we’re passionate about writing. We can make your dreams come true.

You can read the full details and find out more, here, and apply here.

Deadline for applications is 31 March 2021. Please come back to me if you have any questions at all. You can reply to this email, or if you’d like to chat, you are welcome to WhatsApp call me on +27 82 607 2464 or phone on +44 745 371 9465. We pride ourselves on trying to meet our writer’s needs.

We look forward to walking this journey with you!



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