All About Writing August Jamboree: Free courses and webinars
Roll up, roll up, for the All About Writing August jamboree. We’re celebrating you, our writing community, next month, by giving you a week filled to the brim with free offerings.
Festivities begin on 12 August, when we’ll offer you the chance to be part of an online mini-course on Dialogue for Screenwriters.
We’ll be giving away our Introduction to Romance Writing absolutely free – but only between 12 and 17 August.
On 13 August we’ll be hosting our quarterly live webinar in which we’ll tackle that plague which infects writers at all levels of experience – writer’s block.
And don’t forget our free downloadable writing resource booklets. These are available at any time. Please click here to see what’s available and to download.
Dialogue for Screenwriters online course
Screenwriters, this is your chance to learn the basics of writing lively and credible dialogue for your characters.
Over the course of six mini-modules we’ll give you notes on the foundational skills involved. Each will end with a writing prompt on which to hone your developing skills – and the course ends with a challenge to write a scene to which two seasoned screenwriters will give instant (well, nearly) feedback.
Richard Beynon and Michele Rowe have written hundreds of scripts both for television and the big screen and together have devised this mini-programme.
Click here to register for the dialogue course.
Introduction to Romance Writing
Many people think romance writing is a bit like knitting.
There’s a pattern to follow and, even if you’re a bit clumsy at first, you can knock off a finished product in a few afternoons while the kids are out playing.
If you have approached romance writing with a swagger and a shrug, with the idea that “everyone knows” it’s easy as pie, you’ll have discovered the error of your ways.
For this introductory course, offered for free from 12 to 17 August, we’ve chosen a ten of our favourite secrets to successful romance writing. Each comes with a five-finger exercise, to try on your own.
If you can make each of these work for you, you’ll have a humdinger of a romance. Sign up now.
Live online webinar on Writer’s block
Many of us struggle to start a project, or sustain a project once it’s begun. We lose confidence. We freeze.
What can be done about this? Our trainers Richard Beynon and Dr Jo-Anne Richards will explore the strategies and tricks available to overcome writer’s block, in our webinar on 13 August at 6pm South African time (GMT+2).
So if you need a way out of a writing cul de sac, why not register now to secure your place?
Whether you join us for all three, or just one, we’re excited to get to share the joy of good writing with you as we enter the last quarter of the year.