Please join us for a non-fiction masterclass with Fred de Vries, in celebration of the launch of his new book, Blues for the White Man. You’ll learn more about the nitty-gritty […]
I’ve made much over the years of a writer’s peculiar capacity to imagine himself into the consciousness of another human being, to share his feelings, to be able, in a […]
Much is made of the psychology of winning. An immense army of sports psychologists now earns its living advising and counseling both teams and individuals as they prepare for their […]
Writing is a complex business, involving much more than stringing a few sentences together and putting them in a certain order, for a story to unfold. Two aspects are generally […]
Why do we read fiction? There’s a range of obvious answers – we love intimate encounters with strangers who pose no danger to our cosy view of the world (although […]