Monday Motivation: a compendium of motivational spurs for writers

 In Monday Motivation, Richard Beynon's blog, Tips for Writers

Richard is flat on his back after a small operation, and can’t sit up to type. A sad state of affairs for any writer.

So instead of a fresh Monday Motivation this week,  we’ve compiled what we hope will be a useful compendium of motivational spurs. One for every day this week. 

Monday: Ten things every writer should know 


Tuesday: Writer’s block – and how to manage it 

Some wear it as a badge of honour because it seems to affirm their identity as writers. For others it is a curse that keeps them from fulfilling the mandate […] 

Wednesday: Start your writing day with a little jumping and climbing 

Start every morning with a little strenuous exercise. Well, of course it would be good for you to walk around the park, or swim twenty lengths, but I’m actually not […] 

Thursday: Reading teaches writing 

There are at least two reasons that writers should always have a book on their bedside table, or be immersed in several books simultaneously. (The New York Times regularly runs […] 

Friday: Three ways in which your writing could misfire – and how to fix it 

Mishaps happen all the time in writing. Most of them are little niggles, easily erased during a light edit. In one chapter the stable boy has a shock of blond […] 

Saturday: The little miracle that enables readers to read what writers have written 

I’ve always been fascinated by the relationship between readers and writers; and by the implicit contract entered into between a reader and the book – and hence the writer of […] 

Sunday: We all need a little courage to write 

“To write you need to be brave,” said one of our creative writing students this past week. “You have to put yourself out there. You have to take risks.” […] 

 Happy Writing! 


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  • Alexander Moll

    Hi Richard. I enjoyed your reflections on perspective from the canals of Britain. Hope you are back on the water soon,

    Best wishes,

    Alex Moll.

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