Recently, preparing for a webinar on the role of humour in stories, I totted up the number of television comedies I’ve written. It comes to somewhere in the region of […]
Where do you begin a story? I don’t mean, where does a story begin – which is another question entirely – but where, when your goal is to tease out […]
Turn your writing dreams into reality Dreams are what drive many of us: a dream of holding a real book in our hands emblazoned with our name; a dream of […]
We meet Alexander musing moodily about the impending dissolution of his marriage. He wonders whether there isn’t any chance of rescuing it. He agonises over the effect of the breakup […]
This January, we have courses and a free webinar to help you kickstart your writing year and reach your creative goals. Watch the video above or scroll through the […]
Do you need reminding that writing is a difficult business? That there is no guarantee of success – at least the success measured by successful publication and a steady rise […]
I’d like to talk about the bad guys today – the enemies your hero encounters over the course of his journey. Of course, not every story features characters who qualify […]
Listen up: You’re at your desk, right? Or your dining room table, or your kitchen table, or, in desperation, perched on a stool at the marble credenza in your bathroom, […]
This week, we’re bringing you not one but two free workshops and webinars to boost your creative spirit and help you along on your writing projects. First, join us and […]
How self-aware should your fictional characters be? It’s a decision that needs some consideration, since it’s part of your protagonist’s make-up and personality. There is no short answer either. [...]