What is it that makes a character come across as a caricature, rather than a finely drawn person we can believe in? Well, clearly, two-dimensionality plays its part. If you […]
I’ve spoken before about the implicit contract a writer strikes with her reader – a contract that includes such clauses as: I promise to tell a full story, paying proper […]
My golf-mad parents used to say: There’s one thing about the game. It keeps you humble. How much more is this true of writing? It’s easy to let an early […]
In a thoughtful article recently in The New York Times, Dara Horn took a few well-aimed swipes at billionaires who devote significant fractions of their fortunes to research into… immortality. [...]
Even seasoned writers sometimes forget about what characters want. The more we work with writers and their stories, the more I’ve come to realise that “wanting” is the very essence […]
Idly in search of ideas that might amuse and instruct you, I found myself watching one of the interminable Mission Impossible movies, in which the utterly and impossibly intrepid Ethan […]
Our reason for being – to make the world a more creative place We exist to animate your creative life. We see it as our purpose in life, so we’re […]
Thank you all for the wonderful entries to the December/January challenge. We asked you to combine a monkey wrench, a fit of depression and a first edition of Bleak House as […]
Film and television are so much part of our world that we can’t imagine life without them. They entertain us, inform us, educate us. They inspire us, terrify us, enrich […]
Story exists because of characters – and what those characters want. This was brought home to me again recently by an exercise we set in one of our courses. We […]
All About Writing’s latest writing challenge offers a gift voucher worth R1000, to be redeemed against any of our courses or programmes from our flagship online Creative Writing Course to our [...]
I sometimes feel that I’m like Spronkie – one of our cats – who spends those portions of each day that he isn’t sleeping, circling our house. I’m not sure […]